Rain water is full of blessings from the Almighty Yahweh, such a beneficial element to incorporate into your physical and spiritual lives, the benefits are endless. 

Did you know that when it rains, wonderful energy pours out of the sky? 

Rain water is a great blessing to people who understand the benefits of the things of Elohim. 

“Let my teaching fall like rain, and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.” Deuteronomy 32:2 NIV. 

Today, through the help of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (the HolySpirit) I want to share with you the great benefits of rain water and how to collect it, as well as the storage and uses. 

Water evaporates from the surface of the earth into the clouds. When the cloud is full and heavy with water, it starts falling back on earth as rain. Let me shock you a little bit, rain represents three elements, namely, air, earth and water.

Rain water is showers of blessing, just as rain brings needed nutrients, God’s blessings give us what we need to thrive.  

Not only that, but He wants us to feel absolutely drenched with His goodness, His desire for us is to be constantly refreshed, growing, fruitful, and healthy.

God showers us with all his blessings- he never holds back or leaves out a few. His blessings are the fulfilment of all his promises! 

•He showers us with his grace, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness every day. 

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3: 22-23 ESV. 

The rain water collection is useful for a great number of things, and helps the plants to sprout, and also beneficial to livestock, agriculture and human beings, once the rain falls on the earth. 

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.” Isaiah 44:3-4 (NIV). 

All you need is to put a clean basin, a glass or a bowl outside to collect Nature's falling gift. Rain water can be used for praying, cleansing and consecrating of houses, shops, cars, lands, instruments, clothings and properties etc. 


In both their desert wanderings and the land of Israel, God’s people depended on Him for the life-giving source of water and rain. He blessed them with it over and over as they came to Him. He wanted them to learn to walk close and to put their trust in Him. 

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV. 

God has given us abundant blessings in our lives. He is our No1 source of provision.  

Are you trusting God alone to shower you with his blessings? 

You can also pray and bless it in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach and sprinkle it on yourself, bathe with it or pour it into your natural remedies, creams, lotions, teas etc.

It is safe to use, but you need to collect it with a clean cup, bowl, basin, bucket or open a tank outside to collect nature's beautiful gift. 


It is a holy water. 

The use of rain water is unlimited, I will only state a few in this article. 

Last year a lady from Kenya contacted me, she complained about the crop on her farm not doing well and the insects attacking her crops. I told her to collect rain water on her farm, she asked me if the rain falling on her crop directly from the sky is different from the one she will collect. 

Yes, it is the same rain water but the difference here is the prophetic prayer she will make with the rainfall that she collected, invoking the power of Elohim and telling the Creator exactly what she wants.

She bought a new plastic water tank just to collect rain water, it was connected to the farm's water reservoir. 

Let me tell you something about the power of God if you take any anointed thing and add it unto something, no matter how small it is, all of it will become blessed.

She started collecting rainwater with the new tank, after praying and stating her intentions to the Almighty Yahuah, she will then open the pipe to transfer the rain water into the water tank, which they are using for the farm.

Some months later, she testified how magnificent and wonderful her crops are doing, including her livestock that drinks from the same farm water reservoir. 

If you or any of your loved ones are sick, you can pour rain water collected and stored in a clean container, in a glass cup, add a pinch of salt, pray over it for healing and drink it in faith. 

You can bless your lands, cars, houses, offices, shops, churches, documents, and other things with rain water. 

You can do a cleansing bath with rain water, just add it to your bath water with lemon, sea salt or Himalayan salt, when you feel like doing spiritual cleansing. 

Add rain water, coconut water, cinnamon, basil, rue, nutmeg into a bucket of water, pray over it and ask God for good vibes, prosperity, blessings, good luck, peace and overflow of positivity in your home. 

Rain water can also be used for prayers and prophetic exercises when you are experiencing stagnation, delays, rejection, limitations, blockages, barrenness, sicknesses, unemployment, going for interviews or exams and other life challenges. 


A clean container or vessel is needed for the collection of this blessing from Heaven above.

Do not expect it to fill up your container like the one that touched the roof. 

If it rained for five hours, tanks and water drums that are next to the roof of the house, or have something directing water into them will overflow.

While the container you kept in the middle of the yard will have just a little water or a few litres of water in it, because it is collected directly by fire the raindrops from the sky.


Put a clean bucket, basin, bowel, drum or water storage tank outside, in the middle of the yard, where it will not touch the roof, and free from other things that might cover it. The rain will go straight from the sky into it without touching the roof or anything. 


You put a clean bucket, basin, bowel, or water storage drum under a tree, so that rain water from the tree will go into it.

This type of rain water is used to pray for effortless blessings, fruitfulness, and unmerited favour, uncommon breakthrough etc.

Trees don't move about, stress or hassle, God supplies them with nutrients and all that it needs to grow, blossom and produce fruits. 

A man from Nigeria that was going through stagnation and delay in life and business contacted me, and I advised him to collect rain water from underneath a tree, pray over it, tender his intentions to Elohim and he also added some of the rain water into his bath water and bath with it, then sprinkle some of it in his house, business premises and on his commodities. 

He later testified that within 48 hours after the prophetic assignment, he sold things that has been in his possession for months and many customers called in and placed their orders for goods. This is something that has not happened in his business in a long time, and his life changed for good. 

The power of God works in mysterious ways. 


Rain water doesn't expire 

You can store it in a plastic container that has lid, glass bottle or glass jar, gerrican or any water storage vessel. 

Rain water doesn't spoil, no matter how long it stays in a container. 

Rain water can be stored for years and it will still be good to be used. 

Rain water has so much potent energy, and these are the little that can stated here.

Collect and use rain water in faith and experience first-hand the power of God through nature. 

I hope you have learnt something that can help you and the people around you. 


The next rainy day might be a perfect time to collect the blessings of God that rain down from heaven. 

My references are the promises of God in the books of Deuteronomy, lamentations, Isaiah, Jeremiah and John. 

Reflect on that promise kept in John 7:38-39 that says “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this, he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.”  

Plant yourself where the Spiritual blessings flow freely, and allow him to deliver, refresh, heal, provide, protect, preserve and bless you. 

Blessings and Abundance upon you! 

Please share this article with your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours etc, you don't know who be will be helped/delivered by simply sharing this article..

Thank you so much and remain blessed.

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